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2024 Knoxville, TN

41th Annual Meeting
June 2 – 5, 2024
Knoxville, Tennessee

Plenary Session/Keynote Speakers

Jennifer Franklin, Conference Chair
Julie LaBar, ASRS President
Kathryn Newfont, University of Kentucky
Michael McKinney, University of Tennessee

ARRI: Forestry Reclamation in Appalachia

Bat Conservation and Mine Land Reclamation

RE Sherwin, DL Waldien

Abandoned Mine Lands (AML): Programs and Projects

EE Cavazza
M Bautz, D Hibbard

Forest and Rangeland Restoration

Reclamation Sciences: Broader Conversations

Reclaiming Soils in Appalachia

HZ Angel, WL Daniels, RD Stewart, ZW Orndorff, D Johnson, JM Galbraith

Mercury Site Remediation

Urban Restoration

DR Holdridge, JA Franklin

Soils and Vegetation

Metals in Freshwater Systems

S Dent

Understanding and Mitigating Acid Drainage

Tasker, B Roman, J Eckenrode, N Himes, H Warner, B Neely, C Denholm, W Strosnider, J LaBar, T Danehy

Biodiversity and Ecology

M Drury

Uranium Mine Reclamation

Mitigating Acid Mine Drainage

Remediation and Restoration

RW Nairn, DM Dorman, JI McCann, LH Olson, HN Seago, CM Morgan, NL Shepherd, RC Knox

Engineering and Construction

P Beckett, J Lavigne, M Hebert, G Spiers, N Basiliko, O Baudet, R Rochon

Technology for Reclamation Planning and Monitoring

L Kijek, C Mollick, N Kruse Daniels, S Teas, N Sullivan
M Curran

Reclamation in Diverse Settings

W Stark, BR Stewart, JD McCurdy

Hydrologic Applications for Reclamation Challenges

JI McCann, RW Nairn
J James, D Hibbard, A Schlattmann

International Perspectives

J Pryor, L Ratsoenyane