This is an opportunity for corporations to lend additional support beyond being a member of ASRS. Early years during the development of the Society, it was very important for companies to financially assist the Society but in recent years corporate support had decreased. Corporate Sponsors are now a way these companies currently support our annual meetings, which is greatly appreciated.
The American Society of Reclamation Sciences is proud of its accomplishments over the past four decades. We believe we have made valuable contributions to improvements in land reclamation procedures and technology internationally. However, the Society seeks to initiate new programs that benefit its members and expand opportunities for information exchange with those concerned with land reclamation worldwide. One new program being considered is the Development Fund. Proceeds from annual dues are not adequate for significant expansion of our programs. We appreciate the role and contributions that corporate entities have made to assist us in this endeavor by becoming Corporate Sponsors of the American Society of Reclamation Sciences. If you or your company is interested in becoming a corporate sponsor, please contact the Executive Director. Visit the four levels of sponsorship (Bronze, Silver, Gold, and Platinum) benefits for each level listed below. The focus of Corporate Sponsors has changed in recent years from that fulfilling the general needs of the Society to assisting in the operation budget of the National Conferences as well as assisting with the expenses of the annual meetings. When there are greater amounts of income generated at our annual meetings, and upon approval by the National Executive Council (NEC), these funds are allocated to other areas such as listed below. Programs that have benefited from this support in the past and continue to be supported include: Student Activities Young Professionals You may express your interest in being a sponsor of our next meeting by contacting our Executive Director, Robert Darmody.Corporate Sponsors
Corporate Sponsorship Opportunities / General Statement
Corporate Sponsors - Program / Program Benefits
Sponsorship Levels
Bronze Sponsorship
(no tours)Silver Sponsorship
(no tours)Gold Sponsorship
Platinum Sponsorship